MSC Status Companies Location Requirement Update


1. What is the revised location requirement?

Effective 1st January 2012, the location requirement for MSC Malaysia Status Companies has been revised as follows :

  • MSC Malaysia Status Companies can choose to locate/relocate their business operations at:
    i. Designated Premises; or
    ii. "Other" Commercial Premises" located within the approved boundaries of the MSC Malaysia Cybercities/Cybercentres.
  • MSC Malaysia Status Companies located at "Other Commercial Premises" within the approved boundaries of the MSC Malaysia Cybercities/Cybercentres, will forego Bill of Guarantee No. 1 (BoG1).

2. What are "Designated Premises"?

"Designated Premises" are premise designated by the Government located within the approved boundary of MSC Malaysia Cybercity/Cybercentre that are available for the location and operation of MSC Malaysia Status Companies. Relocation to "Designated Premises" entails full entitlement to the Bill of Guarantees.

3. What are "Other Commercial Premises"?

"Other Commercial Premises" are buildings located withint the MSC Malaysia Cybercity/Cybercentre approved boundary that are not Designated Premises, but located on land in which there are no prohibitions or restrictions on the use or enjoyment of the land or buildings thereon for commercial purposes.